long shadows of a group of people

Joy & Belonging

When you look into what people need in life or work to cultivate joy, there is a common theme of the need to belong.

In life, belonging brings one a sense of aliveness, connection, comradery and ultimately joy. At work, studies suggest that feeling part of a team or having a close work friend can make all the difference in employee joy and engagement. Even one small study was completed on what brings social workers joy citing meaningful relationships as a big factor for those interviewed. The Bible also teaches that we are created for community.

This can be a big struggle for those that we work with every day.

In a world that often says they are unworthy, we seek to remind them of their strengths, value and ability to belong. We have programs like Causeway fully devoted to building community and a sense of belonging to combat the isolation and loneliness that is so prevalent when people move out leaving behind the community and ‘home’ they have grown accustomed to at the shelter.

A sense of belonging is one of the key characteristics we all need for a joyful life.

As we finish off this month of July focused on joy, let’s be mindful of creating and being bridges for belonging both with our co-workers and with our clients and residents. There is evidence that both us and those around us will benefit!

We work to cultivate joy as we strive to be, “The Hand of God, in the Heart of the City.”

Grace & Peace,


Source of joy,
Bringer of peace,
Creator of community.
Show us how to belong, and how to bring others into belonging with us.
Remind us of the power of community,
The love of friendship,
And the joy of belonging.


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